On August 1st, the SEO community noticed a large drop in traffic due to a Google update.  This has been one of the biggest updates that I have personally seen Google do. Some of the sites saw little to no change. However, the interesting thing was that those that those sites that saw the algorithm change were deeply affected.  Google eventually announced that they had released a broad core algorithm update. This is typical for them to do once or twice a year.  The difference here was that there was no announcement or idea that it was coming.

It took over a week to really digest what occurred in Google’s update.  Now, that the dust has settled we have found that this update has affected Medical websites and E-commerce websites the most.  Additionally, YMYL (this is a category of sites called Your Money Your Life) saw a large dip in rankings.  We also saw large chains with multiple locations affected.  This seems to be in favor of the smaller local based business. The issue now is how do you return to your previous rankings.  Google announced there is no fix.  They will not revert the changes. In fact, their only answer to get your rankings up is “Just create good content”.

How To Fix Your Google Search Rankings

So, what do you need to do to combat the changes.  Sitting idle and hoping your rating comes back is not the answer.  As Google states, “There’s no “fix” for pages that may perform less well other than to remain focused on building great content. Over time, it may be that your content may rise relative to other pages.”  At Site Ascension we are suggesting that site owners be proactive. Create new original content. If your content is a year or two old, its likely been spun by other sites.  You need to constantly produce new content. Content alone is not enough.  You need to improve internal linking and demonstrate your sites E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trust).  What I mean by this is that you need to make your site look to be authoritative on the subject you are discussing.  Therefore, you need a well-developed “about us” page with your staff, accolades and associations you belong to. This page needs to be about why you are known as the most authoritative business in your space.  Your blogs should display the author and information about the author.  Have guest authors on your blog, that are well known in the industry. Additionally, getting user comments on your website or online reviews help establish trust and authority.

What Else Should I Do Besides Content?

You should also provide the best user experience possible. Just because you like your site, does not mean it works for others or that it is a great site.  Make sure your website is fast, secure, and easy to use. Constantly test your site.  You can use Google page insights to test your sites speed.  For usability, send questionnaires to customers or try website heatmaps. Run real usability tests and make the right changes. Then engage & promote to your audience (Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.). Think less about Google and think more about running a successful website. Google loves to rank popular sites so make your site popular without Google.

If you would like insight into your site’s rankings and possible improvements, please contact Site Ascension today.